Updated: August 9, 2022
Associated Documents: Music Playing Procedure
The Morrisburg & District Skating Club is committed to ensuring quality programming which includes the use of music on all skating sessions. The purpose of this policy is to ensure each skating session has a dedicated music player who is responsible for playing each skater’s music on that session and that all music players are treated equally.
STAR 1 (no fee required) - Parents are not expected to play music on a regular basis; however, they are expected to learn how to play music. Parents may buddy up with a mentor to learn the ropes or contact the Music Coordinator to train. It is recommended that you "train to play" a minimum of 2 sessions. Initialing beside mentors’ signature is required in the music playing binder.
STAR 2 & Up - Each skating family will have 2 options:
There will be a $20 “No Show Fee” for each scheduled session missed without a replacement. “No Show Fees” will be added to skater registration fees. If fees are unpaid at the end of the season, skaters will not be able to register for the following season until paid in full.
Policy administration
MDSC will maintain and review this policy every three years at a minimum.
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