Stroking classes provide skaters with an opportunity to execute drills without obstruction making it easier to focus on technique. Conditioning is derived from improved technique that leads
to improved efficiency. Although speed is important, a good stroking class will not sacrifice technique for speed.
Types of Stroking offered at MDSC
Crosscut Technique: power acquisition, flow and posture. Proper crosscut execution is important at all levels. In crosscut technique classes skaters train the components of
basic crosscuts.
Edge-Turn Stroking: edges and turns as the foundation for exercises. Edge-turn exercises require skaters to change their weight on their blade quickly. This class assumes
skaters already know the edges and turns appropriate to their level. Skaters execute edges and turns repeatedly within set patterns at speed. The turns and the exercises will become more
complex and quicker as skaters advance toward the Senior level.
Field Movement Stroking: field moves as the foundation for exercises. This class assumes that skaters already know various field moves appropriate to their level. Skaters
combine field moves and simple turns and crosscuts into exercises that train extended gliding at speed.
Creative Stroking: stroking in which the skaters themselves create portions of the exercises. Skaters are provided with a structure that defines the type of movement to be
used. Within that structure skaters are free to improvise certain portions. Creative stroking requires skaters to focus on body movement and allows for personal expression.